Renewable Heat Incentive | Domestic RHI Scheme | Oxfordshire
The Renewable Heat Incentive (Domestic RHI) is a government financial incentive scheme to promote the use of renewable heat in domestic properties.
Switching your heating system to one that uses renewable energy sources can help the UK reduce its carbon emissions and meet its renewable energy targets.
Scheme members receive quarterly payments for seven years for the amount of clean, green renewable heat it’s estimated their system produces.
As well as the financial incentive payments, you will be saving money by not paying for your old gas, electric, LPG or oil heating system.
If you live in a rural property in Oxfordshire that is not on mains gas, you may find this a particularly good solution to your domestic heating requirements.
Switching your heating system to one that uses renewable energy sources can help the UK reduce its carbon emissions and meet its renewable energy targets.
Scheme members receive quarterly payments for seven years for the amount of clean, green renewable heat it’s estimated their system produces.
As well as the financial incentive payments, you will be saving money by not paying for your old gas, electric, LPG or oil heating system.
If you live in a rural property in Oxfordshire that is not on mains gas, you may find this a particularly good solution to your domestic heating requirements.
The eligible heating types for the RHI are:
How much money might I receive as an incentive?
We can advise you on how much you will receive from the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Please fill out our online form below so that we can book a consultation with you. |
Main scheme requirements:
Why switching to an Air Source Heat Pump may benefit you... ✓ Save around 40% to 60% on LPG or Oil Heating ✓ Air Source Heat Pumps can help meet Code Levels 3 & Level 4 for Building Regulations ✓ Mandatory Code Level 6 – 2020 ✓ Qualifies for Renewable Heat Incentive ✓ Low Maintenance ✓ No Up Front Fuel Payments ✓ Reduce CO 2 Emissions ✓ No Fuel Tank ✓ No need to worry about the future price of oil and gas, and the supply of those fuels in the future ✓ A standard heat pump gives you approximately 3KW of heat from 1KW of power (COP) |